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New Mexico Weight Distance Tax Permit

New Mexico Weight Distance Tax Permit is a requirement for carriers, that operate on New Mexico highways, with a gross vehicle weight of 26000 pounds or more. The tax is based at a rate determined by the weight of the vehicle and miles operated.

 Vehicles with a title in New Mexico that are subject to the weight-distance tax and operating intrastate will issue a weight distance plate. The vehicle will be issued an IRP plate titled in New Mexico if it is subject to the weight-distance tax and operating interstate. An entity subject to the NM weight-distance tax permit (WDT) is under a requirement to file a New Mexico weight distance tax return on a quarterly basis. You have to file NM Weight Distance Tax Returns by:

  • April 30 (for the quarter January 1 through March 31)
  • July 31 (for the quarter April 1 through June 30)
  • October 31 (for the quarter July 1 through September 30)
  • January 31 (for the period October 1 through December 31)

These permits are valid through December 31st of the year of their issuing.


Reminder: If payments have not been confirmed or the tax identification number will not apply to your account then interest may accumulate and a penalty may be enforced.


Call us at 818-568-0644 and get your NM WD permit within an hour. DOT Filing is here to take care for all your needs.