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What is a “Doing Business As” (DBA) / Fictitious Business Name?

If a person or company does business under a different name, that is a DBA name. DBAs are also referred to as an “assumed name”, “fictitious business name” or “trade name”. There is no limit to the number of DBAs or assumed names that you can use. But the law in most states is that if the DBA name is not registered, which is done by filing an application with the state, a person can only do business under his or her own name, and corporations and LLCs can only do business under the name on their formation document.

The purpose of registering a DBA name is to notify the public that a particular individual or business entity is conducting business under a name other than its legal name. Assumed name (DBA) laws are consumer protection laws. Registration is required so that the public knows the actual owner of the businesses with which they are buying or dealing.


Do I Need a DBA Name?

You require to file a DBA name for:

Sole Proprietors or Partnerships – If you want to start a business under something other than your actual name, you need to register a “Doing Business As” so that it will be allowed to do business under another name.

Existing Corporations or LLCs – If your business is already set up and you want to conduct a business under a name other than the name of your existing corporation or LLC,  you will need to register.


When to File A “Doing Business As”

  • You want to use a business name, not your personal name.
  • Your bank requires a DBA to open a business bank account.
  • A potential client requires a DBA to award you a job.
  • Your company is entering a new business area that is not reflected by your current name.
  • Your company operates another business or website.


Have questions? Call us now at 818-568-0644 or send an email to DOT Filing agents are eager to answer any of your questions or concerns.

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